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#whysweethearts // Julia Abshire

Aggie Sweethearts

Julia Abshire is an active member of Aggie Sweethearts. She is an incoming senior from San Antonio, TX. Julia is a Psychology major, and she is going into her second year of Sweethearts!

"When I transferred to Texas A&M I knew I wanted to join a women's organization, I just did not know which one. I looked into a couple different organizations, but none of them felt the same as Sweethearts. From the first informational I was blown away by the kindness from all of the girls. These girls are what makes this amazing organization so special. I have never been surrounded by so many selfless and servant hearted individuals. This group never fails to lift their fellow sisters up during rough times, and cheer them on in times of triumph. I am so glad I found my family away from home in Sweethearts. I truly do not know where I would be without this amazing organization in my life!"

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